
An introduction to the Qubitro device data platform.

What is Qubitro?

💎 Qubitro is a Device Data Platform (DDP) built for a hyper-connected world.

Our raison d'être is to run your device data stack close to your solutions with the highest availability and the lowest latency combined with a great developer UX.

💡 Learn more about Qubitro on our website.

Getting Started

Data Sources

In Qubitro, you can connect a source (or more than one!) to the same or different project for each platform or connectivity option you want to ingest data from.

In case the source is not yet supported on Qubitro Portal, consider sharing feedback.


Actions & Conntectors

If the action or connector is not yet supported on Qubitro Portal, consider sharing feedback.

pageRule Actions🔌pageOutput Connectors⚙️pageREST API⚙️pageWebSocket API

Data Monitoring

pageDashboardspageContinuous Analytics

Qubitro Portal

pageAccess ManagementpageAccountspageAPI Keys & CredentialspageOrganizationspageUsage & Billing

🤝 Support & Feedback

See https://qubitro.com/resources/ for a complete list of knowledge resources and support options.

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Last updated